3 things I am going to stop doing immediately
TODAY, I begin.
I am going to pick three things that drain my energy, deplete my spirit, damper my day.
I am going to STOP DOING THEM IMMEDIATELY and start doing something else with that precious time that inspires, engages, infuses and ignites a new flame.
I promise to:
1. Get rid of administrative tasks.
Why did I take them on in the first place? I mean, I am the creative person in this organization! How did I pigeon hole myself into taking on this role? I mean, I know times are tough, but I am the most expensive person on the payroll. I should be doing things that bring the most value to the business. Entering and paying bills is NOT one of those tasks. Today, I am going to hand it over. I will place an ad {today!}, ask my accountant to interview and train a new hire, and let the books get managed at a {very well watched} arm's length.
2. Clear the calendar.
If you are anything like me, if it ain't written down, it don't get done!
We put all kinds of crap on our calendar, clogging it up with boring meetings, to-do tasks we dread, conference calls that seem to go no where. What if we scheduled in some time to rock our world? I mean, carve out some time to do something that takes the business forward, shifts a new paradigm, turns our world upside down-just for fund {and profit!}
So, here is what I am going to do. I am going set aside 30 minutes EVERY DAY {week day, that is} to forward my dreams.
It's going on the calendar and I am going to keep this daily appointment!
3. Get out of the comfort zone.
Ever put something on to wear that is a bit artsy or outrageous and then your inner critic snarks at you, "you cant wear that!"
Well, it's time to put that pesky pessimist to bed. Time to stop staying inside the comfort zone. Trust me, it's time to be outrageous! I am going to shake up it out and rock it out. I am going to go outside my comfort zone and try something different. I am going to read inspiring advice from those I admire {Danielle Laporte is at the top of my list} and I am going to begin implementing their brilliant ideas. Why theirs? Because they are brilliant and I am not. Because they are doing something different that is working. I have no shame about being a copycat. I will mirror, shadow, follow, stalk...whatever needs to be done until it seeps into my soul. Whatever it is, I am going to make sure it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, makes me snicker in silence at my sweet little secret, I am going to relish in the returns I anticipate will come as a result.
Now get out there and get going.....and stop it, already!
Whew! Feeling better?
copyright 2009 Alisa Barry
Labels: danielle la porte, stop doing the things that dont forward you, whitehottruth