28 November 2012

best case scenario

who told us that we had to work with  "worst case scenario?"
forget that nonsense!

i'm putting my bets on BEST CASE SCENARIO, no matter what the naysayers say.

fail or fly, get in the game like you really want to win.

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26 November 2012

this holy longing

an emptiness that sears a hole in your soul
an aspiration that seems lofty or aloof within this reality we must take responsibility for  
a calling that was once a whisper, that now feels like a silent scream
hum, drumming, coming  from your heart of hearts
it echos back that which you already are, that which you want to become 
it's all the same, all there
unearth this golden godly treasure buried deep some time ago
dare to shine brightly now
the line has been crossed to where time starts ticking down 
dont wait any longer for the longing

live it. 

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10 November 2012

time for a detour

what got you    here,        
won't get you there

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07 November 2012

be - u - t - full

B E A U T Y    ain't always pretty.  
aesthetic arrest is what i want.

copyright 2012 Alisa Barry


05 November 2012

perfectly imperfect

forget trying to get it all right, right away.
just focus on being better today than yesterday.
each step everyday added up is a  L E A P somewhere further down the path.

copyright 2012 Alisa Barry

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