30 October 2009

don't go back to sleep

when the darkness awakens you with a whisper,
don't go back to sleep.

this the the hour between the two worlds.
the time when the angels are stirring
and hearts are open

arise and bow to the day in the quiet stillness.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

28 October 2009

morocco on my mind

i am a dreamer
travel is my passion
morocco is my muse

time to go to the desert.............

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

27 October 2009

beyond illusion

time to turn inward for the answers
trust the intuition
heed the call

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

24 October 2009

focus on the practice, not the perfect

practice may not make perfect,
but i know that when I focus on my practice, everything else falls into place

that doesn't mean things always go my way,
it is that I go the way of things

it's about surrender
it's about paying attention
it is awareness
it is about simply showing up
and letting the world unfold before my eyes

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry


23 October 2009

are you busy and just going about your busi-ness?

it's easy to get sidetracked on the path of life.
busy, busy, busy- we all are.

but, what if there was another way?
what if we deliberately slowed down to a more sanely pace
and allowed ourself to delete a few things off our list, say "no" a little more often, stop doing the things that really don't bring us joy?


copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

22 October 2009

sacred beauty

style statement.
a decided declaration.
wear it like a tatoo
show it off to the world like a jeweled badge
and yet, knowing that it is really just for you.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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generosity is The Way

i cannot overstate how much a generous spirit contributes to luck. look at the luckiest people around you, the ones you envy, the ones who seem to have destiny falling habitually into their laps. what are they doing that singles them out? it isn't dumb luck if it happens repeatedly. if they're anything like the fortunate people I know, they're prepared, they're always working at their craft, they're alert, they involve their friends in their work, and they tend to make others feel lucky to be around them.

- Twyla Tharp, The Creative Habit

cliff notes:

1. be generous: in spirit, above all.

2. be prepared: hone your craft

3. celebrate: dance in the joy with gratefulness

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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too often we allow ourselves to be bogged down in the day-to-day stuff of life – the daily daily-ness. we wait for the special occasion or the unexpected event to lift us out of our ruts and reconnect with our joy.
every day life contains much joy, if we look for it. waking up in a comfortable bed at the beginning of a beautiful summer day. freshly brewed tea or coffee, or juice, to accompany a breakfast from the earth’s bounty. putting on clothes which are comfortable to wear, expressing our individuality. being able to move, breathe, speak, hear, taste, touch – all of these amazing abilities, experiences, and opportunities which we muddle through in a haze and a hurry, somehow missing out on the amazing abundance of joy and contentment available. all we need to do is to pay attention.

“but”, I hear you say, “but my life is terrible. i’m broke / unemployed / sick / stressed. I hate my job / house / roommate.” life is never going to be perfect. the sooner you accept that, the sooner you’ll be able to get on with what is really important. there will always be bumps, obstacles, unexpected events, and tragedies. You can’t do anything about that – it’s how the universe works.
however, you can start each day with an attitude of joy, and gratitude, no matter your circumstances. if nothing else, you have before you one whole day – 24 hours – in which to live, love, laugh, learn. Starting from a place of joy instead of a place of dread won’t change the external events of the day, but it will help you deal with whatever happens from a position of stability and strength.
joy comes from within. you can be joyful, even in negative circumstances. feel joy, be joy, share joy today.

- woman of cups, the rejoicer. Tarot card.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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19 October 2009

wake up with wonderment

how often do we wake up, get up and go about our day
as if it were just another day

what if for today, just this day, you woke up with wonderment
as if this day were THE day.

set your intention.......

today, my intention is focus.
like an arrow and its target
calm, steady, deliberate
center is the only place I aim to be

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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17 October 2009

blank page

let your life be empty
for a moment, for a day

it takes discipline to not be busy all the time.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

16 October 2009

more miracles

two babies born tonight
holding heavy heads in the crook of my arm
eyes not yet fully open to the world.

this is how i define magic.
it is a mystery.
it is a miracle.
actually, two.

welcome to the world
jesse patrick + nicola jane

i so look forward to watching you grow...........

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

14 October 2009

take refuge in beauty.

allow yourself to be overwhelmed with aesthetic  awe.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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art is essential.

don't wait for inspiration.
the quality comes when you show up to do the work.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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12 October 2009

weaving words

shattered by the eye that sees beyond
forgotten what my heart feels now

sideswiped by the breeze
only penetrating sweet breath left lingering on my brow

it's time to wake up.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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11 October 2009

live your life as sacred art

life is sacred. life is art. life is sacred art.

-- gabrielle roth

Gabrielle is a force to be reckoned with. I don't know her personally, but I danced in her room and I have felt her spirit. She is strong, and fragile and determined that people see the beauty in all that they are- light, shadow, possibility, humility, sacred beauty.

she calls it "ritual theater". it's tribal art. meditation in movement. connecting our individuals souls to the collective world. life is but an enactment of our art. our art is an expression of our life out loud. live it. what are you waiting for?

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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be a holy hermit

keeping sacred your space
but not hiding in a cave
quiet is for clarity
awareness is the holy grail.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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10 October 2009

devoted to looking at life and its majesty

my imagination is a monastery and I am its monk.

-- john keats

thoughts are perceptions
imagination is creation

that we would dream of kindness and compassion
is all we need to in order to breathe love into this life

let your dreams be your meditation
put them into practice into your daily life.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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sanctify your space

to live in a sacred space is to live in a symbolic environment
where spiritual life is possible,
where everything around you
speaks of exaltation of the spirit.

- reflections on the art of living

find a place where you can ritualize your life.
make your sacred altar
where your heart is heard
without words.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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09 October 2009

fork in the road

there comes a time when we can go one way or another
we may not know what lies ahead, and we know that it will change our life

no turning back.
taking life to a whole new level.

I bow to my teacher in thanks for showing me the way.
blessings abound
though I may not know where I go;
I see the path clearly before me.

trust and faith is all that is needed now.
dharma is at the door.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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07 October 2009

celebrating others success

you are an inspiration
your life is a celebration....

- for being just who you are

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

05 October 2009


citizen cope saves the day.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

03 October 2009

simple blessings

fall is here and the sky takes on a whole new hue.
vivid moon last night, seen around the world.
this morning, bright lights and big horizon as the sun comes up to shine upon the day.

let it be our blessing.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry
