22 October 2009


too often we allow ourselves to be bogged down in the day-to-day stuff of life – the daily daily-ness. we wait for the special occasion or the unexpected event to lift us out of our ruts and reconnect with our joy.
every day life contains much joy, if we look for it. waking up in a comfortable bed at the beginning of a beautiful summer day. freshly brewed tea or coffee, or juice, to accompany a breakfast from the earth’s bounty. putting on clothes which are comfortable to wear, expressing our individuality. being able to move, breathe, speak, hear, taste, touch – all of these amazing abilities, experiences, and opportunities which we muddle through in a haze and a hurry, somehow missing out on the amazing abundance of joy and contentment available. all we need to do is to pay attention.

“but”, I hear you say, “but my life is terrible. i’m broke / unemployed / sick / stressed. I hate my job / house / roommate.” life is never going to be perfect. the sooner you accept that, the sooner you’ll be able to get on with what is really important. there will always be bumps, obstacles, unexpected events, and tragedies. You can’t do anything about that – it’s how the universe works.
however, you can start each day with an attitude of joy, and gratitude, no matter your circumstances. if nothing else, you have before you one whole day – 24 hours – in which to live, love, laugh, learn. Starting from a place of joy instead of a place of dread won’t change the external events of the day, but it will help you deal with whatever happens from a position of stability and strength.
joy comes from within. you can be joyful, even in negative circumstances. feel joy, be joy, share joy today.

- woman of cups, the rejoicer. Tarot card.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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