06 December 2013

just keep creating

when you think it’s already been said and done
when you wish you were better at it
when you are stuck in a rut
when you’re afraid it isn’t good enough
when others tell you it can’t be done

when you tell yourself you can’t do it

the artist's driving force is the desire for expression. 
tell your truth. 

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01 December 2013

so many unanswered questions

{the answer to everything is to simply slow down}

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balance and beauty

as much as we aspire to live our lives in balance, it will never exist.
there will always be one more thing to-do, ta-da, ta-dum.

alignment is what we are looking for; it's the feeling that how we are living our lives is in accord with how we want to feel. in that moment. for that period of time. within the context of what is going on in our lives. when our mind, body and spirit is in synch, no matter how much chaos circles around us out in the world.

let the scales ebb and flow, and allow your heart to go along for the ride. hang on tight, or get off. a wild adventure or time for a rest. remember, you get to decide.

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