10 March 2011

more or less

more or less is usually a casual statement that you really don't care one way or the other, you're not sure or it really doesn't matter.

when you add intention to those words, here's what you get:

more of what I want.
less of what I don't want
definitive clarity

instead of being blase', it becomes an empowering emotional commitment;
a discipline that isn't about drudgery, but  rather devotion.

put that intention into action and you are unstoppable.

copyright 2011 Alisa Barry

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04 March 2011

follow your dream

if i knew where the dream lives,  i'd put myself on the path
everyday a detour
to somewhere unknown
and not yet knowing


wait. attend to. incubate.

this is the only place i need to be right now.

copyright 2011 Alisa Barry
