31 July 2010

slow morning in the making

i love to linger
under cotton sheets and closed curtains
cutting off all the light
until I am ready to surface
into the day, into my life

slow morning in the making
sun peaks through the clouds
farmer's market foraging
and the cool blue splash of water on my tanned skin
a perfect beginning to my beautiful day

copyright 2010 Alisa Barry


29 July 2010

touching the earth

ground. ing. to what really matters.
it is where creation lives.

salt. dirt. rain. earth

 bare feet feel the stones below,
digging in
and hanging on......

copyright 2010 Alisa Barry

I have nothing.

There are some days when the only salve  is to settle in.  Empty sky. Quiet mind. The blank page is our silent witness.    Just the spaces between the lines and the words that pitter patter from the tap, tap, tap of a keypad. 

stream of consciousness, see what comes to be. No goal, no gain. what a relief. Tap, Tap, Tap. the sound is at once soothing and unsettling, reminding me  every so often that I still need to breathe. breath. take a breath.   beautiful breathing.  heaving.  holding.  keep the hands moving . and the heart connected. don't stop. to. edit. let the critic take  nap while the soul comes out to play. let it play. what do you have to say? speak. I'm listening.  am I listening?  

sing song, angels gone. only the night sky is blanketing my thoughts now. slumber soon and sleep awaits. writing  a novella in my dreams.  practice, perfect, purge.  letting go of the cares that keep me cornered and concerned. release and no regrets.  the touch of paper is my joy. turn the page and feel the crispness of the corners, the texture of the type . cloth-lined covers.   chiaroscuro.  from the shadows, emerge into the light. tunnel opens.  turn away from the dark. follow the path that calls your name and is your calling. what is calling you?    words, only words. almost  just words,  and then there is the story. unraveling as the letters are set in stone like a concrete cave.  our story carved into stone. 

 i have nothing. only this. this is nothing. nothing is good.  the vessel is empty.  white. void. space. spaciousness. 
we are all the same. saying the same thing. with different tone and tome and timber. all the same. we are.  the support system, not competition. sacred circle.  that is the thing. remove the shawl and let the shoulders bare all. beauty of curved crooks, tanned and toned from the summer sun.  skinny arms and sculpted muscles. strength in the making. and softness in the belly.   belly breathing. time for bed. dreams. 

copyright 2010 Alisa Barry


11 July 2010


what else matters?

copyright 2010 Alisa Barry
