15 March 2009

the key to life

Stay in the present moment.

seems so simple. living it is so hard.
when we focus on what is in front of us, we put our heart and energy into that. Everything else, for the moment, falls away.
I used to live my life "overthere"- the next thought, the next "to do", the future "ta da". It lacked depth, it didn't linger with meaning.

When I lived in San Francisco, I visited a Buddhist therapist . I didn't know it at the time and wasn't even that familiar with Buddhism, but I do remember what she said the first time we sat together in her office and meditated.

"present moment, only moment".

I might not have felt it deep down at the time, but just saying it was more comforting than failing about without any guidance or guardrail. To this day, this mantra continues to be a source of comfort and calm.

Being in the present moment forces us, in a good way, to slow down. It can feel unsettling if we haven't had the practice. But, I promise you, once you have had a taste of it, you never want to go back down the old path. Even more encouraging, living in the present moment becomes a part of your life, like a new habit. That is not to say we might backpedal a bit every now and then, but those times become fewer and fewer. and then, it simply becomes a part of who we are.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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