07 March 2009

turning passion into soulful work

Your art is the Holy Ghost blowing through your soul.
- Jack Kerouac

For many of us, our work is our art. For me, it is a vehicle through which I can realize my passion, express my creativity and surround myself with beauty. I am a smart enough to know that when I surrender to the process, the greatest gifts come through. It is as if I too am merely a vehicle through which all of this is realized. An instrument, a tool.
When I show up to be that, it is a very different experience than when I barrel in with great guns, ego at the ready to accomplish, achieve and acquire. It just feels different.

Yes, I must have the discipline to show up. That is my duty.After that, I try to be inspired by the spirit itself that I might inspire others. It is not easy and I am not always successful at this endeavor. My ego is strong and willful character that loves to act out its part. But with the spirit, my work becomes a holy thing.
That is how I want to live.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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