25 April 2009

oh, to be so bold

honesty. truth. authenticity. daring. boldness. inching my way out the edge.

it shouldn't take a lot of work to be bold, but it does take practice.

here are some tomes to myself that help keep me on on the path:

1. be mindful of what you think, say and do. are you reacting from old, worn out patterns that no longer work, or are you committed to a new way of being that serves you and others well.

2. take time for replenishing. we need to refuel if we are expected to show up full of energy and on our game. it's hard to "go with the flow" when we are just trying to keep up with the current. do what you need to do to get and stay in balance. like physical exercise, our mental state also needs the same kind of disciplined workout, even if it is the discipline to shut off for a while.

3. stop making nice. it's wonderful to be generous and kind, but when you say "yes" just to please others, you set yourself {and others} unknowingly, for disappointment. better to say no than to say a yes that will be regretful later.

4. when in doubt, contemplate warriorship. my teacher, john, reminds me all the time. just sit. nothing really matters until i can see with clarity and awareness. until then, its back to the cushion for the warrior to feel the wisdom.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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