27 March 2009

experiencing the existential crisis

I am having existential crisis {again!}

What is this crisis?
What am I doing with my life?
What am I supposed to be doing with my life?
What do I want to be doing with my life?

I feel time pawing at my heels, reminding me that a days work is not a life.
So much more to be experienced.

What do I want to do with this one and precious life? Think BIG, dream outloud, be outrageous. I give you permission to think outside the box . Forget about what others want for you. And, if you haven't yet decided, beware. At some point, someone is most likely going to decide for you. So, while you are still alive and able to make some good decisions, why not make your own list of lovely things you want to do with your life.
Whether you are twenty or four times twenty, it is never too late until you see the dirt on your face and the coffin closing its door.

Here is a partial list of my own:

- write for {at least} a month in Paris
- visit the temples of Japan
- shop the medina markets of morocco
- sit with a Buddhist master and learn ancient techniques that lead to enlightenment {I would need a whole lifetime for this, but a glimpse would be welcome too}.
- Speak fluent Italian {which most certainly would require me to live in Italy!}
- Take a two week vacation with my love on a secluded beach with clear, warm water
- Publish a personal art book
- Do a public art installation
- Sell my house and rent a charming cottage with a deep bathtub and a fireplace
- Live within my means
- Pay all of my financial obligations and debt down to zero, and have a security savings
- Get up in front of a group of at least 50 people and enjoy the experience. I might flip or I might flop, but until I do it, I will never know.
- Stand up in a group of women and share my entrepreneurial enlightenment. What has worked, where I have bombed, why I encourage them to follow their dreams and always listen to their heart.
- see the world through a child's eyes just for a day. Daily adoption. Now, there's a concept! For those of us who are not quite ready or time has fleeted to care for a child full-time, why not spend a day with a child who needs a home and offer them the love of someone who cares.
- clean out my closets and keep only a few things that I absolutely love. This might involve a complete purge and a trip to Donna Karan's Urban Zen {hey, I said dream big!}
- take a japanese ink brush class with Kaz Tanahashi {I have signed up twice and never made it}. This should be at the top of my list.
- learn to stand up straight, good posture makes me feel good.

What am I waiting for?

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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