06 December 2009


this has been an amazing year in so many ways.
ironically, it's been a very difficult year. for me. for many.
and yet, i have received so many gifts i could have never imagined.
there is no doubt i am a better person.
alchemy works its magic in many strange ways.
and, in spite of all and because of it all, I feel blessed.

focus of today's celebration: taking time for reflection

There have been both heartaches and heart-filled moments.
I've had ah-ha moments of clarity, and lingering days of chaos and confusion.
So many lessons I have learned.

I've traveled less, and discovered more.
I've surrendered gracefully and fought with fierce grace.
I've learned that perseverance does pay off.

I've been inspired by the beauty, brilliance and generosity of others.
It has left me speechless in awe and appreciation.

I've learned that self-sufficiency is not sufficient.
I've learned adversity is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
It's about living with a spirit of adventure and knowing that our circumstances do not define who we are.

I've been broken open with no where to hide.
I've learned how to stay with the discomfort during trying times.
I am learning to tell the truth- with compassion, kindness and confidence.

I've remembered how much I love to move.
It's a language that speaks my truth more than words I could ever say.
I am grateful for the music that echos through the house.
It's my medicine and my muse.

I've learned that sitting and doing nothing is some of my time best spent.
I am thankful to have a teacher to guide me on the path.

I've been surrounded by art and artists who create a bewilderment of beauty.
It's been hard to hear conversations about the survival of that beauty.
And yet, the spirit prevails.

There's been reorganizing and reigniting.
I've seen people leave and lose jobs, and then unexpectedly find their soul.
It's been about knowing that finding our calling trumps keeping a career.

I've had amazing meals shared with others around the table.
I've connected with so many people i didn't know before who share my passion.
I know I am blessed to be able to afford an abundance of good food.

I love my family.

grateful. gratitude. grace.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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