07 January 2009


A simple word.

And yet, ever elusive.
I am surprised and alarmed by how many people want and need more balance in their life.
Including myself.
Like hamsters on the endless wheel of life, we forget to lift up our heads, slow down our feet and let our arms twirl about in reckless abandon and joy.

And yet, this is precisely what we need.

How do we create balance in our life?

We get out of our head and into our heart.

Create a personal menu of how you want to live your life.

For me, it is a commitment to start my day with rituals that bring sacred meaning to my everyday.
It is a commitment to write.
It is a commitment to allow quiet time away from work to integrate all that I do, think and am.
It is a commitment to move my feet.
It is a commitment to have my "Sacred Sunday" at home- reflecting, resting and rejuvenating my body, mind and spirit.

These are the things that work for me. They are my "guardrails". They keep me on the path. When I find that I am not making time or a concious effort to keep my commitments, I get off balance. They are my red flags, popping up to remind me that I need to do these things regularly, consistently to stay in balance.

What is it for you that helps bring you back into balance? Find commitments that are less about "getting something done" and more about stopping to be...exactly who you are. heart.

Take good care of yourself.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry

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