bow to burnout
some of us like to brag that we are soooo busy, and just plain burnt out- like a badge of honor we have earned.
others of us do everything we can to hide our burned out body and soul- we avoid it like a stigma on our supposedly well-balanced lives.
either one is an extreme of somewhere we really long to be.
balance is an elusive idea that is seemingly defined differently by each of us.
and yet, you can bet, that we all get burnt out at some time or another, for one reason or another.
how and that we honor it is what brings us together- even if it is only our own body, mind and spirit.
taking time to see the red flags that pop up along the way ensures we don't get to far down the path before we completely collapse. i know i am off course when my drinking habits lose their balance and soon i am drinking more coca-cola or wine than water. i know i am headed on the wrong path when i stop cooking and start eating too much take out. i am sure that i am down for the count when instead of slowing down, i am running out of the house without taking time to eat breakfast, enjoy a cup of tea or simply sit on the meditation cushion for a few minutes.
this is when it is time to stop. full stop. dead stop. stop stop. rest stop. take a look around at your world stop. listen to how you feel. stop. cry a tear of sadness stop. just simply stop.....and bow in thanks that you were able to stop. finally. again.
and next time, you vow to bow before you let yourself get too far down the path. chill out, cool off, settle down.
copyright 2009 Alisa Barry
others of us do everything we can to hide our burned out body and soul- we avoid it like a stigma on our supposedly well-balanced lives.
either one is an extreme of somewhere we really long to be.
balance is an elusive idea that is seemingly defined differently by each of us.
and yet, you can bet, that we all get burnt out at some time or another, for one reason or another.
how and that we honor it is what brings us together- even if it is only our own body, mind and spirit.
taking time to see the red flags that pop up along the way ensures we don't get to far down the path before we completely collapse. i know i am off course when my drinking habits lose their balance and soon i am drinking more coca-cola or wine than water. i know i am headed on the wrong path when i stop cooking and start eating too much take out. i am sure that i am down for the count when instead of slowing down, i am running out of the house without taking time to eat breakfast, enjoy a cup of tea or simply sit on the meditation cushion for a few minutes.
this is when it is time to stop. full stop. dead stop. stop stop. rest stop. take a look around at your world stop. listen to how you feel. stop. cry a tear of sadness stop. just simply stop.....and bow in thanks that you were able to stop. finally. again.
and next time, you vow to bow before you let yourself get too far down the path. chill out, cool off, settle down.
copyright 2009 Alisa Barry
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