21 July 2009

curiosity is the cat

every time i feel myself getting bored, i know that it is really about needing to get curious.
sounds so easy, but it is frightening sometimes how we only see what we are familiar seeing, doing, having.
stuck in a box.

i am feeling a bit that way today.
heavy heart. lackadaisical. without energy or enthusiasm to go about my day.
i am sitting on my bed writing and I would love nothing more than to do this ALL DAY LONG today.
i could get up for warm noodle soup at lunchtime, but other than that and some cool sparkling water by my side to sip on, i would be happy as a calm clam staying sedentary ALL DAY LONG. dog next to me sleeping happily. would be way too lonely without him here.

some people call that lazy. yep. probably. i can hear my critic nodding with its ruthless little smirk too. and, being a bit defiant, or really, just too tired to fight back, i nod too. but really, i just need some rest. perhaps. or, i just need to find a way to re-ignite my energy and enthusiasm. most people would laugh to hear this. on most days, for someone who doesn't get up craving a caffeine coffee fix, I can pretty well sail through the day with more energy than most. but, it is not about getting stuff done today. i need to soak in life. let myself feel a bit melancholy. let life sit before me with its offerings, so I remember, quietly, that curiosity didn't kill the cat....it is the cat. meaning? i am not sure, but i liked the sound of it.
a koan of sorts that i am making up as i go along.

life is sometimes nothing more than "just this, just this." no doing, no rushing, no having to be something i am not. just simply being what i am.

what a luxury to be able to sit here. while others have to be on someone else's time table and sitting down at a desk pretending to be hard at work, i can sit here. ALL DAY LONG if i want. ahhhh....i feel the opening already.

i guess its gonna be a pretty good day, after all.

copyright 2009 Alisa Barry


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