18 December 2010

focus on the fundamentals first

I love Susan Piver.  She has the ability to write about the everyday ordinary. Not, as one might assume, the boring or mundane. This is about  things we can do daily that focus on the fundamentals:  our well-being + sanity. 
Think about it- when we feel a sense of order and purpose, we have the fuel and fire to go out into the world and explore greater possibilities with confidence and conviction....and sustainable, successful results. 
In one of her recent posts, she shares with her readers a few fundamentals her teacher, Sakyong mipham rinpoche, offers. 
  1. Cleaning up your space.
  2. Wearing nice clothes. (Not expensive, necessarily; clean, well-fitting, and so on)
  3. Spending time with people who increase your energy.
  4. Eating good (quality) food.
  5.  Spending time in the natural world.

copyright 2010 Alisa Barry



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