11 August 2009

take time for wonder

get up, take shower, drink coffee or tea, maybe eat something, go to work,work, work, home , dinner.....computer, sleep.

breaking it down to the basics of our day can tell us a lot about who we are and the choices we make.
sure, we've all gotta get stuff done, but with 24 hours in a day, ok, minus eight hours or so for sleep, you still have at least 16 hours! even with all the stuff and work and commitments we must have scribbled into our calendar, that still seems like a fair amount of time. couldn't we just carve out one precious hour a day for us, for our soul, for our life?


we can whine and moan about not enough time, but i think we all know that it is not about time at all. it is about choices.
why do we think we have to make it so hard and difficult and serious and work-related.

god loves those who play. of that, I know for sure. how? because when I do, he rewards me greatly.

seems counter intuitive, to say the least, and yet, it is exactly the meaning of the pair of opposites.
don't follow the crowd-- follow your heart.

how would you dream up your wonderful, lovely, god-loving day?
live it, now. today. just one day. then, see how you feel.

watch the day go by. somethings won't get done {gasp}. you might be surprised to see things fall away or get solved on their own. and, the rest will be waiting for your tomorrow.

the do-to list never ends. so, knowing that, how can you feel bad? pick one major accomplishment per day and let the rest unfold and unfurl as it will, as god wills.


copyright 2009 Alisa Barry


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